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Rev. Sister Jacqueline

Hoodoo Psychic
Rev. Sister Jacqueline

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My name is Reverend Sister Jacqueline Mathers but most call me Ms. Jacqueline. I am a reader, rootworker, author, teacher and business owner. I have been reading for clients for over 17 years and have been creating candle spells since I was a teen.

I come from a line of seers and have a generational lineage from the Alabama-Coushatta tribe, located in Livingston, Texas, but my family originally came from around DeRidder, Beauregard Parish, Louisiana. Great-grandmother was held as a medicine woman and my Mother orally told me spells that her grandmother would do for the family. My mother made cures and performed 'things' with salt right before my eyes and I thought it was a normal thing to do. One of my favorite books was the monthly Dell Horoscope magazine on the coffee table. I was a precocious child and would reveal secrets that should not have been spoken in public.

When I read for a client, I ask no previous information as I let the cards 'speak' to you. I am honest, straight-to-the-point and my idea of a good worker is to help you get over the situation and move forward in your life. I do not tolerate 'games' or foolishness on your part, as I know that you want a serious solution to the issues that are bothering you and I will be very direct in my words with you.

I offer candle prayer services, custom blend oils and herbs, mojo bags for various situations and more. I am a Minister with the Universal Life Church and work with the Angels and Saints from many different cultures. I am an aborisha in the Lukumi (aka Santeria) religion.

You can read more about me at my Tarot by Jacqueline website

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"I cannot thank you enough for all the insight and assistance you have given me during these tough times. With your candle work and prayers, I am now employed and the family is better and at peace. Thank you and God Bless You." -- Robert T.

"Jacqueline does a fantastic and accurate reading that I have come to get a reading with her many times. She takes more than the allotted time to make sure you understand everything she is telling you. I have never had a reading quite like hers." -- Yolanda G.

"YOU WERE RIGHT!! She paid me back the money in full!! Woo-Hoo! Now, I feel she and I can begin our close friendship again! She is like a sister to me as her life kinda mimics my life with our men...literally! Ok, so just to let you know-----YOU DID IT AGAIN! Right on! Thanks!" -- Sylvia O.

"The Candle Spell worked! My boyfriend called me about two hours after I lit the candles as you told me and he was begging to come home! Thank you so much!" -- Sunny B.

"I just wanted to thank you so much for reading both myself and Heather on Saturday afternoon. I felt so emotionally and physically drained after I left it was unbelievable. Your readings are so accurate and so informative and I felt a closeness to you that surprised me. I cannot tell you thank you enough times for sharing your gift with us. Many Blessings to you!!!!" -- Kathleen M.

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